Villa Espiral has been mostly booked this year, and folks are having a great time! We've had several repeat guests so far this year, including Brian Bridgford and Darrell Hawkins, the Chekarian family, the Arguello's and others. Good to see you coming back! Thank you! We hope all of you who follow this blog will join the Villa Espiral family and make it your home away from home in Nicaragua.
Marco Foreman, stoked!
Check it out! Chess, a book, playing cards, wifi internet, and beer. Just a few options....
Gene Manako was celebrating his 40th birthday with friends and family. We get happy when we see smiles like that!

Gabe Kling, surfs Rosada so beautifully!

Sometimes the water is so clear that it's like surfing in a tropical aquarium.
This is either Brian Bridgford or Darrell Hawkins. Nice positioning.
Somebody from Gene's crew is in there somewhere.
Gene, reaching for the rail.
Matt, on a glassy one.
Gene, high and tight on a fast one.
Marco, keeping it tight to the pocket.
It's not easy to surf vertically at Rosada.
Power fan.
Fresh watermelon, a beer, and a firing left beyond the pool.
Gene, attacking a dark, gnarly beast.
It rained really hard one night and the critters were lining up to get into the house and out of the deluge.

Yoga instructor Audra Glyn Smith, in tune with her surroundings.