Bienvenidos from Villa Espiral, Rancho Santana, Tola, Nicaragua!
These beautiful ladies are Isamar and Yamali, from nearby Gigante, where Villa Espiral manager, Gray Gardner lives. You will see lots of pretty smiles in Nicaragua.

This is the hammock, the pool and the ocean you will be missing if you wait too long. So if you want to visit or return to Villa Espiral, please contact us as far in advance as possible.
I just returned from Villa Espiral and, while we didn't score the greatest surf or throw a big birthday bash like last year, we still had a great time. There are so many cool people, beautiful places, and fun things to do (including just hanging in the hammock), that you can really get energized by the experience.

At his site, you can also check out recent boat trip pics, like our March 14th surf at Manzanillo, shot by our friend and Iguana Beach resident, Bob Schmidt. You can see the boat being launched from the beach at Gigante, as well as some of the scenery on the way. Manzanillo wasn't great for surfing on that day, but it was still as beautiful as ever, and always a pleasure to be there. If you don't have a car, I'm guessing that Mateo would pick you up right out front of Villa Espiral. All you would have to do is paddle out to the boat.
OK. Yes, I did drop in own my own son, but he was too far back!

Rob and Gray's boat will be getting upgraded with killer gear, including a Suzuki outboard motor and will be put into service soon . So folks, there are some handsome, enterprising young friends down here, with a very compelling product...Great Experiences!

Despite the lack of rain in October and the long dry season that followed, Villa Espiral is keeping it green.

We had a blast going to the ladies softball playoff game in Tola. Yamali's team won! Here she is, hitting a grand slam!

And she pitched!

It was a fun crowd, with the girls and ladies in the crowd whooping it up and stomping on the bleachers.

For many of us, Playa Rosada is the main draw.

Villa Espiral's neighbors, the Brown family girls (and Oro). Contact Marc Brown if you are interested in property at Rancho Santana marcb@ranchosantana.com

We have these cool new T shirts available too! $20.00 plus tax shipping and handling. They come in white, sand, olive, dark blue, light blue, brown and black. Sizes are medium, large, extra large and double extra large. Shoot me an email at lincolngardner@sdmnica.com. You can pay by check or paypal. Saludos!

Tola is the municipality where Rancho Santana and Villa Espiral are located.

Olas Gigantes is Gray, Ryan, Cody and Zach's hotel on the water in Gigante.