We just got back from another great trip to Nicaragua. Villa Espiral has been very popular during this surf season. The house was booked through nearly all of June, July and August.

The house is great for entertaining. We had some feasts, and even a birthday party. Lots of our friends came by, including, Ryan, Rob, Yamali, Eric, Trevor, Bubby, Mateo, Sheri, Bob & Sherry, Marc, Cathy, Michelle and others. My buddy Jack, and Dominique, a Selva Del Mar lot owner (and French surfer/professor) stayed with us too. Oh, and Gray's dog Chico.

We also visited Bob and Sherry at Iguana, where we checked out their beachfront house at Colorado, also designed by our architect, Pepe Tercero. Sorry, I forgot to take any pictures of it.

There's is Apollo, at the bottom of the pool, wearing "the cosmos as a halo." Hermes Trismegistus.

Jack took some great photos, and some of the best are included here, along with some that I took.
When the swell dropped, we went on the Flying Frog Canopy Tour in San Juan del Sur.

These pictures are of the Playa Escondida area of Rancho Santana.

There was a kid staying Gonzalo's place on the beach. He was taking digital photos of the surfers to burn onto a cd and sell. I bought a cd from him over breakfast at Gonzalo's beachfront restaurant (just north along Playa Santana).

The boys did some diving out front and kept us in fish, and Gray brought up a beautiful shell from a very deep free dive.

Fresh lobster, fish, and grass fed beef from nearby Limon.

Dom's birthday party.

Hanging out around and in the pool was a favorite pastime.

Our gardens have culantro (a stronger version of cilantro), basil, oregano, rosemary, citrus, platanos, callala, papaya, carrots and more.

The back wall is almost completely covered with peanut grass now. and the Callala is starting to grow over that. Another one of Pepe's ideas.

Here is our caretaker, Salong, checking his email. You can also get the signal from the bar where this photo was taken. So you can sit at the bar, answer emails, and keep an eye on the surf too.
If you hear funny noises around the pool at night, this guy may be one of the culprits.
Our friend Jack, with our architect, Pepe Tercero. They are standing at the top of our project in nearby Gigante, called Selva Del Mar. This picture was taken from lot 5.
We had lunch one day at the Pelican Eyes restaurant in San Juan del Sur. Our architect, Pepe Tercero designed it too.

The fruit platters were so good!
Morning glass on the lake. There were so many different birds calling during sunrise, more than I hear along the coast. There are also a lot of monkeys. The howlers always let you know they are there, especially in the morning.
Jack sure takes some pretty photos. These were taken right out in front of Villa Espiral. Don't you wish you were there now? I sure do. For more pictures of the fun, check out Dom's website at http://www.yukango.com/Countries_visited/Nicaragua/Rancho_Santana_and_my_birthday/index.html.