Hello from Rancho Santana, Tola, Nicaragua. With the dry season, progress on Villa Espiral has picked up. They are putting on the roof. The cane ceiling is in throughout the house and now the zinc roofing is going up. The clay tiles will go on top of the zinc.
Oh Yeah, the surf has been good!

The curved part of the wall, above Luis Manuel and Gonzalo, will hold the indirect lighting.
This is how the indirect lighting form is made. You bend the rebar to the shape of the template.
So where do you get your inspiration for the shape of the template?
What better than Jennifer Lopez's famous curvature?

You get the picture. Thank you Jennifer!

This part of the cane ceiling has been varnished, and the cords for the lights are hanging down.

Meanwhile, out in front of Villa Espiral, one can see why they call this beach Rosada

Pretty close. By the time it dries completely, and adjusted for the differences in light, we have almost matched the beach.